Volume 89,   № 5


The present paper considers the conditions for minimum entropy production in thermodynamic processes at a given mean intensity of fl uxes and at fi xed coeffi cients of kinetics equations, as well as the conditions for the optimum duration of the process.

The present paper considers the conditions for minimum entropy production in thermodynamic processes at a given mean intensity of fl uxes and at fi xed coeffi cients of kinetics equations, as well as the conditions for the optimum duration of the process.
Author:  A. M. Tsirlin
Keywords:  entropy, dissipation, reversible processes
Page:  1067

A. M. Tsirlin .  MINIMUM DISSIPATION PROCESSES IN IRREVERSIBLE THERMODYNAMICS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. №5. Volume 89, № 5. P. 1067.

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