Volume 89,   № 5


The characteristic features of methane gas hydrate decomposition upon injection of a warm carbon dioxide gas into a porous medium saturated with methane and its hydrate are investigated. A mathematical model is presented for heat and mass transfer in a porous medium accompanied by substitution of methane for carbon dioxide gas in the original gas hydrate. Self-similar solutions of a one-dimensional problem that describe the distribution of basic parameters in a stratum have been constructed. It is shown that there are solutions according to which methane gas hydrate may decompose either with the formation of carbon dioxide gas hydrate alone, or with the formation of both carbon dioxide gas hydrate and a mixture of methane with water. Critical diagrams of the existence of each type of solutions have been drawn.

The characteristic features of methane gas hydrate decomposition upon injection of a warm carbon dioxide gas into a porous medium saturated with methane and its hydrate are investigated. A mathematical model is presented for heat and mass transfer in a porous medium accompanied by substitution of methane for carbon dioxide gas in the original gas hydrate. Self-similar solutions of a one-dimensional problem that describe the distribution of basic parameters in a stratum have been constructed. It is shown that there are solutions according to which methane gas hydrate may decompose either with the formation of carbon dioxide gas hydrate alone, or with the formation of both carbon dioxide gas hydrate and a mixture of methane with water. Critical diagrams of the existence of each type of solutions have been drawn.
Author:  M. K. Khasanov and V. Sh. Shagapov
Keywords:  porous medium, gas hydrate, filtration
Page:  1123

M. K. Khasanov and V. Sh. Shagapov.  METHANE GAS HYDRATE DECOMPOSITION IN A POROUS MEDIUM UPON INJECTION OF A WARM CARBON DIOXIDE GAS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. №5. Volume 89, № 5. P. 1123.

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