Volume 89,   № 6


Results of investigation of the thermophysical properties of commercial carbon of different grades used in the production of tires, and also of rubber mixtures, including those containing karelite, have been presented. A thermal analysis (thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis) was made of samples of rubber mixtures and powdered fi llers, which has enabled the author to establish the distinctive features of thermal stability of materials. The obtained results are important for a better understanding of the problem of critical overheating of supergiant tires, solution of
the problem of selecting the optimum compositions of rubber mixtures, and updating the technologies of production
and utilization of rubber products

Results of investigation of the thermophysical properties of commercial carbon of different grades used in the production of tires, and also of rubber mixtures, including those containing karelite, have been presented. A thermal analysis (thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis) was made of samples of rubber mixtures and powdered fi llers, which has enabled the author to establish the distinctive features of thermal stability of materials. The obtained results are important for a better understanding of the problem of critical overheating of supergiant tires, solution of
the problem of selecting the optimum compositions of rubber mixtures, and updating the technologies of production
and utilization of rubber products
Author:  S. M. Danilova-Tret′yak
Keywords:  thermal conductivity, specifi c heat, rubber, commercial carbon, karelite
Page:  1388

S. M. Danilova-Tret′yak.  ON THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF RUBBERS AND THEIR COMPONENTS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 89, № 6. P. 1388.

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