Volume 89,   № 6


The migration of macroparticles in a fl uidized bed of a fi nely divided quartz sand has been studied experimentally. The mechanism underlying the infl uence of the mixing of fl uidized bed particles on the character of macroparticle motion is described. The dependence of the depth of macroparticle immersion on the physical and operational
parameters has been obtained

The migration of macroparticles in a fl uidized bed of a fi nely divided quartz sand has been studied experimentally. The mechanism underlying the infl uence of the mixing of fl uidized bed particles on the character of macroparticle motion is described. The dependence of the depth of macroparticle immersion on the physical and operational
parameters has been obtained
Author:  É. K. Buchilko, A. Zh. Greben′kov, V. A. Borodulya, E. A. Pitsukha, and Yu. S. Teplitskii
Keywords:  biofuel, macroparticle, fl uidized bed, gas bubble, migration, Archimedes force, associated mass
Page:  1454

É. K. Buchilko, A. Zh. Greben′kov, V. A. Borodulya, E. A. Pitsukha, and Yu. S. Teplitskii.  ON MOTION OF BIOFUEL PARTICLES IN A FLUIDIZED BED //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 89, № 6. P. 1454.

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