Volume 94,   №6


Regimes of longitudinal vibrations of a mixture, consisting of a vapor and a fi ne droplet fraction, in a plane channel were defi ned with regard for the evaporation of droplets and the condensation of vapor. The regime with complete evaporation of the droplets and the regime in which the vapor condensates in the process of vibrations of the mixture with increase in the average density of the dispersed phase were considered. The movement of the carrying medium was defi ned by the system of equations of motion of a compressible viscous heat-conducting gas with regard for the exchange of the mass, momentum, and energy between the vapor and the dispersed phase in the mixture, and the dispersed phase was defi ned by the system of gasdynamic equations with regard for the exchange of the mass, momentum, and energy between it and the carrying medium. The system of equations defi ning the vapor–droplet mixture was written in generalized curvilinear coordinates and was solved by the explicit MacCormack method with splitting of the spatial operator in directions by the scheme of nonlinear correction in each time step.
Author:  A. L. Tukmakov
Keywords:  vapor–droplet mixture, carrying medium, Navier–Stokes equations, explicit MacCormack scheme, equilibrium phase transition, evaporation, condensation
Page:  1415

A. L. Tukmakov.  WAVE DYNAMICS OF A VAPOR–DROPLET MIXTURE IN AN ACOUSTICAL RESONATOR //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №6. P. 1415.

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