Volume 94,   №6


The interdependent movement of a liquid metal and its surface oxide fi lm, found in the state of elastic stress, in the process of induction melting of the metal in a cylindrical crucible was investigated by the method of direct numerical simulation. The structures of the liquid fl ows in such a metal, determined for different regimes of its induction melting, are presented, and an analysis of the state of the surface of the metal melted in these regimes is given. The equation for the balance of the volume forces in the fi lm covering the whole surface of a molten metal as well as the equations for the displacements and deformations of this fi lm under certain conditions have been derived. The elastic properties of an oxide fi lm on the surface of a liquid metal were estimated on the basis of the experimental data on its induction melting. The interrelation between the liquid fl ow near the surface of a melt and the volume forces in the fi lm on its surface, the mechanical stress of this fi lm, and its deformations was demonstrated for typical technological regimes of melting of metals. A computational experiment has shown that the model of the stressed state of a fi lm on the surface of a melt, developed, is correct and can be used for the defi nition of the elastic stresses in such fi lms. The infl uence of the diffusion parameter of the magnetic fi eld in a melt and its Hartmann number on the elastic deformations of the fi lm on the surface of the melt was determined and the relation between these deformations and the structure of the liquid fl ow at the surface of the melt was investigated.
Author:  I. L. Nikulin, V. A. Demin, and A. V. Perminov
Keywords:  induction melting, molten metal, variable magnetic fi eld, diffusion, heat convection, Lorentz force, oxide fi lm, mechanical stress, elasticity
Page:  1444

I. L. Nikulin, V. A. Demin, and A. V. Perminov .  MOVEMENT OF A MELT AND ELASTIC-STRESSED STATE OF ITS OXIDE FILM IN THE PROCESS OF INDUCTION MELTING //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №6. P. 1444.

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