Volume 90,   №2


The boundary function method is proposed for solving applied problems of mathematical physics in the region defined by a partial differential equation of the general form involving constant or variable coefficients with a Dirichlet, Neumann, or Robin boundary condition. In this method, the desired function is defined by a power polynomial, and a boundary function represented in the form of the desired function or its derivative at one of the boundary points is introduced. Different sequences of boundary equations have been set up with the use of differential operators. Systems of linear algebraic equations constructed on the basis of these sequences allow one to determine the coefficients of a power polynomial. Constitutive equations have been derived for initial boundary-value problems of all the main types. With these equations, an initial boundary-value problem is transformed into the Cauchy problem for the boundary function. The determination of the boundary function by its derivative with respect to the time coordinate completes the solution of the problem.
Author:  V. A. Kot
Keywords:  method of weighted temperature function, boundary function method, approximate method, boundary method, boundary equations
Page:  366

V. A. Kot.  THE BOUNDARY FUNCTION METHOD. FUNDAMENTALS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, №2. P. 366 .

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