Volume 96,   №1


The paper considers heat transfer during cyclic spraying of a high-temperature aerosol depositing in the form of a condensed phase on a flat plate of fi xed thickness. A cyclically moving boundary appears with an increasing mass of deposited material with the same thermophysical characteristics as the plate. The cycle is equal to the time of application of the aerosol within fractions of a second (heating) and to an order of magnitude longer convective-conductive and radiant cooling. To solve the formulated mathematical model analytically, the linearization of the radiant heat flux was carried out by expanding the temperature difference of the moving boundary in a series in powers without taking into account the radiation and taking it into account with keeping the linear terms and further analyzing the linearization error. Moreover, transformation of the spatial coordinate is applied, allowing one to transform a region with a moving boundary into a region with a fixed boundary. A new analytical solution of a rather complicated problem is obtained by the method of a finite cosine Fourier transform, having previously solved the problem for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with boundary conditions of the third kind. The results on the thermal state of the entire system with a complex temperature profile on the outer moving boundary are obtained and analyzed.
Author:  V. F. Formalev, R. A. Degtyarenko, B. A. Garibyan
Keywords:  moving boundary, complex heat transfer, convective-conductive and radiant types of heat transfer, complex relief of a boundary in time, linearization, coordinate transformation, fi nite cosine Fourier transform
Page:  160

V. F. Formalev, R. A. Degtyarenko, B. A. Garibyan .  SIMULATION OF COMPLEX HEAT TRANSFER DURING CYCLIC DEPOSITION OF A HIGH-TEMPERATURE AEROSOL ON A SUBSTRATE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №1. P. 160.

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