Volume 96,   №3


A model of the structure of a fl exible heat-insulating composition is proposed, which is a highly porous fi brous material, felt, covered on all sides with a cloth. The entire composition is stitched-out with thread. The felt, cloth, and sewing thread are made of silicon oxide fi bers of various diameters. An algorithm is proposed for calculating the eff ective thermal conductivity of its components: radiative and conductive in the solid phase and molecular through the gas in pores. To estimate the radiative component of thermal conductivity in the fi brous core, the Mie theory and the approximation of an optically dense medium were used. The calculation results agree with the experimental data obtained by the stationary method on fl at samples in the temperature range from 20 to 800oC in vacuum and in an inert gas medium
Author:  A. V. Zuev, Yu. P. Zarichnyak, N. N. Vorob′ev, S. L. Barbot′koa
Keywords:  fi bers, fl exible, thermal insulation, structure model, thermal conductivity, calculation
Page:  594

A. V. Zuev, Yu. P. Zarichnyak, N. N. Vorob′ev, S. L. Barbot′koa.  EVALUATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN A FLEXIBLE FIBROUS HEAT-INSULATING COMPOSITION //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №3. P. 594.

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