Volume 90,   № 1


Calculations were carried out with application of current numerical methods and with the use of scientifi ctechnical developments of a gas-dynamical resonator-thrust amplifi er. The possibility of creating an exit device with a resonator for a small-size gas-turbine engine that in fl ight provides for thrust uprating by no less than 6% via gas mass attachment in the pulsating process is shown. In this way the size–mass characteristics of the exit device are preserved in the process.

Calculations were carried out with application of current numerical methods and with the use of scientifi ctechnical developments of a gas-dynamical resonator-thrust amplifi er. The possibility of creating an exit device with a resonator for a small-size gas-turbine engine that in fl ight provides for thrust uprating by no less than 6% via gas mass attachment in the pulsating process is shown. In this way the size–mass characteristics of the exit device are preserved in the process.
Author:  V. I. Bogdanov and D. S. Khantalin
Keywords:  resonator-thrust amplifi er, gas-turbine engine (GTE), exit device, attached mass
Page:  176

V. I. Bogdanov and D. S. Khantalin.  UPRATING THE FRONTAL THRUST OF A SPHERICAL GAS-DYNAMICAL RESONATOR-PULSE AMPLIFIER //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, № 1. P. 176.

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