Volume 90,   № 1


An experimental study has been made of the process of ignition of single drops of water–coal and organic water– coal suspensions and coal particles heated by the oxidizer flow. The low-temperature (400–600oC) regime of the initiation of combustion of commensurate (from 1 to 3 mm) drops of water–coal and organic water–coal suspensions and coal particles has been considered. With the use of a high-speed (up to 105 frames/s) video camera and Tema Automative software, the infl uence of the oxidizer temperature, the gas fl ow velocity, the size of suspension fuel drops, and the coal particle size on the conditions and integral characteristics of the induction period has been determined. The ignition delay times and the duration of the combustion process of the investigated fuel samples have been established. The features of the stages of stable low-temperature initiation of combustion have been determined.

An experimental study has been made of the process of ignition of single drops of water–coal and organic water– coal suspensions and coal particles heated by the oxidizer flow. The low-temperature (400–600oC) regime of the initiation of combustion of commensurate (from 1 to 3 mm) drops of water–coal and organic water–coal suspensions and coal particles has been considered. With the use of a high-speed (up to 105 frames/s) video camera and Tema Automative software, the infl uence of the oxidizer temperature, the gas fl ow velocity, the size of suspension fuel drops, and the coal particle size on the conditions and integral characteristics of the induction period has been determined. The ignition delay times and the duration of the combustion process of the investigated fuel samples have been established. The features of the stages of stable low-temperature initiation of combustion have been determined.
Author:  K. Yu. Vershinina, D. O. Glushkov, G. V. Kuznetsov, and P. A. Strizhak
Keywords:  coal, fuel suspension, convective heat exchange, ignition
Page:  198

K. Yu. Vershinina, D. O. Glushkov, G. V. Kuznetsov, and P. A. Strizhak.  EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE IGNITION OF SINGLE DROPS OF COAL SUSPENSIONS AND COAL PARTICLES IN THE OXIDIZER FLOW //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, № 1. P. 198.

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