Volume 90,   № 1


To enlarge the power raw material base, the processes of stable initiation of combustion of drops of organic watercoal fuels have been investigated. For the main components, we used fi lter cakes (coal processing waste), anthracite, bituminous and brown coals of brands D and B2, water, and spent machine, turbine, and transformer oils. We have established the infl uence of concentrations of components on the minimum (limiting) ignition temperatures of organic water-coal fuels and the ignition delay times of drops of fuel components with initial sizes of 0.25–1.5 mm. Investigations were carried out for oxidizer temperatures of 600–1100 K and its velocities of 0.5–5 m/s characteristic of units, aggregates, and large and small power plants. We have determined the characteristic differences of organic water-coal fuel from water-coal fuel and the close laws of the investigated processes for these fuels

To enlarge the power raw material base, the processes of stable initiation of combustion of drops of organic watercoal fuels have been investigated. For the main components, we used fi lter cakes (coal processing waste), anthracite, bituminous and brown coals of brands D and B2, water, and spent machine, turbine, and transformer oils. We have established the infl uence of concentrations of components on the minimum (limiting) ignition temperatures of organic water-coal fuels and the ignition delay times of drops of fuel components with initial sizes of 0.25–1.5 mm. Investigations were carried out for oxidizer temperatures of 600–1100 K and its velocities of 0.5–5 m/s characteristic of units, aggregates, and large and small power plants. We have determined the characteristic differences of organic water-coal fuel from water-coal fuel and the close laws of the investigated processes for these fuels
Author:  K. Yu. Vershinina, G. V. Kuznetsov, and P. A. Strizhak
Keywords:  water-coal and organic water-coal fuels, fuel suspension, drop, minimum ignition temperature, ignition delay time
Page:  217

K. Yu. Vershinina, G. V. Kuznetsov, and P. A. Strizhak .  EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONCENTRATION OF ORGANIC WATER-COAL FUEL COMPONENTS ON THE INTEGRAL IGNITION CHARACTERISTICS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 90, № 1. P. 217.

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