Volume 89,   №1


This work is devoted to the study of the sorption characteristics of various hollow microspherical membranes to reveal particles most suitable for application in the membrane-sorption technologies of helium extraction from a natural gas. The permeability of the investigated sorbents to helium and their impermeability to air and methane are shown experimentally. The sorption–desorption dependences of the studied sorbents have been obtained, from which the parameters of their specifi c permeability to helium are calculated. It has been established that the physicochemical modifi cation of the original particles exerts a great infl uence on the coefficient of the permeability  of a sorbent to helium. Specially treated cenospheres have displayed high efficiency as membranes for selective extraction of helium.
Author:  V. N. Zinoviev, I. V. Kazanin, A. Yu. Pak, UDC 539.217.5 A. S. Vereshchagin, V. A. Lebiga, and V. M. Fomin
Keywords:  microspheres, cenospheres, membranes, permeability, helium, separation of gases, membrane-sorption method
Page:  25

V. N. Zinoviev, I. V. Kazanin, A. Yu. Pak, UDC 539.217.5 A. S. Vereshchagin, V. A. Lebiga, and V. M. Fomin.  PERMEABILITY OF HOLLOW MICROSPHERICAL MEMBRANES TO HELIUM //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 89, №1. P. 25.

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