Volume 89,   №1


The area of application of the rarefi ed neutral methane–nitrogen gas mixture is considered. Experimental data on the transport properties of this mixture and its components were analyzed and generalized on the basis of molecular-kinetic theory relations with the use of the potentials of pair uniform and cross interactions of CH4 and Nmolecules. The parameters of three spherical symmetric three-parameter m-6 Lennard-Jones interaction potentials with a repulsive branch of varying rigidity were determined with the use of the nonlinear weight method of least squares. Tables of reference data on the viscosity of the indicated mixture and the coefficients of interdiffusion of its components were calculated for the concentration range 0–1 at temperatures 100–1150 K. Estimates of the confidential errors in determining the properties of this mixture have been made with the use of the error matrix of parameters of the indicated potentials. The results of calculations were compared with the corresponding reference data obtained earlier for the CH4–N2 gas mixture.
Author:  L. R. Fokin and A. N. Kalashnikov
Keywords:  gas mixture, interdiffusion coefficient, molecular-kinetic theory, collision integral, interaction potential, confidence error
Page:  249

L. R. Fokin and A. N. Kalashnikov.  TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF A RAREFIED CH4–N2 GAS MIXTURE //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 89, №1. P. 249.

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