Volume 96,   №4


The problem on the limiting capacity of the thermodiff usion cycles of separating a mixture was investigated using the methodology of the fi nite-time thermodynamics. Expressions for the maximum effi ciency of such a cycle and its limiting capacity, depending on the composition of the mixture separated, its temperature, and the heat fl ow used in the cycle, have been derived. The boundary of the realizability range of the regime parameters of a thermodiff usion cycle of separating a mixture was constructed and parametrized in the cycle effi ciency–heat consumption plan
The problem on the limiting capacity of the thermodiff usion cycles of separating a mixture was investigated using the methodology of the fi nite-time thermodynamics. Expressions for the maximum effi ciency of such a cycle and its limiting capacity, depending on the composition of the mixture separated, its temperature, and the heat fl ow used in the cycle, have been derived. The boundary of the realizability range of the regime parameters of a thermodiff usion cycle of separating a mixture was constructed and parametrized in the cycle effi ciency–heat consumption plan

Author:  A. A. Mazikov, I. A. Sukin, A. M. Tsirlin
Keywords:  thermodiff usion cycles, limiting capacity, thermodynamic-balance equations, maximum effi ciency, irreversibility factors
Page:  849

A. A. Mazikov, I. A. Sukin, A. M. Tsirlin.  USE OF ENTROPY-BALANCE EQUATIONS FOR ESTIMATING THE LIMITING CAPACITY OF THERMODIFFUSION CYCLES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №4. P. 849.

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