Volume 88,   №2


The aerodynamic characteristics and the structure of vortices of the central region of the channel system of an eightchannel centrifugal fi lter have been investigated. An overview of the foreign and home literature on the fi ltration of solid particles in the gas fl ow in centrifugal apparatuses is given [1, 2]. We present the design and the principle of operation of the eight-channel centrifugal fi lter based on a system of curvilinear channels with equal turn angles and equal cross-sectional areas connected in series. We have performed numerical calculations of the dependence of the aerodynamic drag of the centrifugal fi lter on the rate of fl ow obtained by three different methods: analytical calculation, experiments on the laboratory facility, and with the help of modern means of computer modeling. Computational modeling of the fl ow was carried out by solving Reynolds (RANS, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes) equations by the SFD method with the use of a k–ε model of turbulence for three modes of operation of the apparatus. The results of computer modeling permitted visualizing the vortex structure of the central region of the separation chamber in the form of 3D graphs. The obtained results have been confi rmed experimentally on a laboratory model of the centrifugal filter of capacity up to 200 m3/h of purifi ed air.
Author:  D. A. Serebryanskii, N. S. Semenyuk, and S. V. Plashikhin
Keywords:  centrifugal fi lter, aerodynamic drag, pressure drop, modeling, channel system
Page:  471

D. A. Serebryanskii, N. S. Semenyuk, and S. V. Plashikhin.  INVESTIGATION OF THE AERODYNAMIC DRAG OF AN EIGHT-CHANNEL CENTRIFUGAL FILTER //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. №2. Volume 88, №2. P. 471.

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