Volume 96,   №6


The results of modeling the fi ltration of an indicator liquid (aqueous solution of an indicator) in a hydraulically fractured low-permeability formation with account for diff usion and convective mass transfer through the side walls of the fracture are presented. Simulation of fi ltration–diff usion processes is of great importance for the implementation of tracer studies in oil production, as well as for some processes of hydrogeology and ecology (control of the injection of industrial waste into formations), chemical and membrane technologies. The problem is solved using the Laplace integral transform method. An analysis of the obtained solutions was carried out, which makes it possible to determine the main qualitative characteristic features of the diff usion and fi ltration processes under consideration
The results of modeling the fi ltration of an indicator liquid (aqueous solution of an indicator) in a hydraulically fractured low-permeability formation with account for diff usion and convective mass transfer through the side walls of the fracture are presented. Simulation of fi ltration–diff usion processes is of great importance for the implementation of tracer studies in oil production, as well as for some processes of hydrogeology and ecology (control of the injection of industrial waste into formations), chemical and membrane technologies. The problem is solved using the Laplace integral transform method. An analysis of the obtained solutions was carried out, which makes it possible to determine the main qualitative characteristic features of the diff usion and fi ltration processes under consideration

Author:  I. L. Khabibullin, R. Z. Khasanova
Keywords:  aqueous solution of indicator, solution margin, diff usion, fi ltration, Laplace transform method, indicator concentration
Page:  1508

I. L. Khabibullin, R. Z. Khasanova.  SIMULATION OF THE INDICATOR LIQUID FLOW IN A FORMATION WITH HYDRAULIC FRACTURING //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №6. P. 1508.

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