Volume 96,   №6


An example of an exact analytical solution of a convection problem involving the buoyancy depending on two substances diff using at diff erent rates is given. The development of convection from instantaneous vertically homogeneous sources of these substances in a homogeneous medium in a gravity fi eld is considered. A slowly diff using substance distributed in a smaller area has a stronger eff ect on the velocity gradients of emerging convective currents and thereby determines the development of convection to a greater extent, which is possible even with a relatively small contribution of this substance to the total buoyancy of the medium. In a situation, in which the total buoyancy introduced into the medium is equal to zero (positive and negative buoyancies of two substances compensate each other), origination of a nonzero, on the average, vertical fl ow is possible
An example of an exact analytical solution of a convection problem involving the buoyancy depending on two substances diff using at diff erent rates is given. The development of convection from instantaneous vertically homogeneous sources of these substances in a homogeneous medium in a gravity fi eld is considered. A slowly diff using substance distributed in a smaller area has a stronger eff ect on the velocity gradients of emerging convective currents and thereby determines the development of convection to a greater extent, which is possible even with a relatively small contribution of this substance to the total buoyancy of the medium. In a situation, in which the total buoyancy introduced into the medium is equal to zero (positive and negative buoyancies of two substances compensate each other), origination of a nonzero, on the average, vertical fl ow is possible

Author:  L. Kh. Ingel′
Keywords:  two-component convection, diff erential diff usion, nonstationary problem, analytical solution
Page:  1572

L. Kh. Ingel′.  AN EXAMPLE OF AN EXACT SOLUTION OF A NONSTATIONARY PROBLEM OF TWO-COMPONENT CONVECTION //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №6. P. 1572.

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