Volume 96,   №5


The heat transfer in the process of passage of droplets of fi re-extinguishing compounds through the high-temperature pyrolysis zone of combustible materials was investigated experimentally by optical diagnostics methods with the use of a program-apparatus complex for recording the sizes of droplets. The numerical and volume concentrations of droplets of fi re-extinguishing compounds based on water in a fi nely dispersed aerosol generated in three regimes were determined. The conditions of cessation of the fl ame combustion and thermal decomposition of a typical combustible material subjected to the action of water, a 5% foamer emulsion, a 10% bischofi te solution, and a 20% FR-Les-01 solution were recorded. The sizes of the droplets of the indicated fi re-extinguishing compounds and their fl ow rates necessary and suffi cient for the suppression of the fl ame combustion and thermal decomposition of typical forest combustible materials were determined.
The heat transfer in the process of passage of droplets of fi re-extinguishing compounds through the high-temperature pyrolysis zone of combustible materials was investigated experimentally by optical diagnostics methods with the use of a program-apparatus complex for recording the sizes of droplets. The numerical and volume concentrations of droplets of fi re-extinguishing compounds based on water in a fi nely dispersed aerosol generated in three regimes were determined. The conditions of cessation of the fl ame combustion and thermal decomposition of a typical combustible material subjected to the action of water, a 5% foamer emulsion, a 10% bischofi te solution, and a 20% FR-Les-01 solution were recorded. The sizes of the droplets of the indicated fi re-extinguishing compounds and their fl ow rates necessary and suffi cient for the suppression of the fl ame combustion and thermal decomposition of typical forest combustible materials were determined.

Author:  G. V. Kuznetsov, N. P. Kopylov, A. O. Zhdanova, K. O. Ponomarev, A. S. Sviridenko
Keywords:  fi re extinguishing, evaporation, endothermal process, droplet, combustible materials, special-purpose additives, surface tension
Page:  1142

G. V. Kuznetsov, N. P. Kopylov, A. O. Zhdanova, K. O. Ponomarev, A. S. Sviridenko.  INFLUENCE OF SPECIAL-PURPOSE AGENTS ADDED TO WATER ON THE LOCALIZATION AND SUPPRESSION OF THE COMBUSTION OF MATERIALS WITH IT //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №5. P. 1142.

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