Volume 96,   №5


By way of mathematical and numerical simulation of an nonisothermic fl ow of a gas with nanoparticles in a tubular continuous-fl ow reactor with an nonuniform temperature fi eld, the infl uence of the diff usion (Brownian diff usion and thermodiff usion) of nanoparticles in this fl ow and their diff usion deposition on the walls of the reactor on the parameters of the gas-suspension fl ow in it was investigated. The problem on the two-dimensional fl ow of a nanogas suspension with a nonuniform transverse velocity profi le in such a reactor was solved. The longitudinal and transverse distributions of the concentration of nanoparticles in this suspension and its temperature in the reactor were obtained by the numerical fi nite diff erence method. The infl uence of the initial concentration of nanoparticles in the gas fl ow at the inlet cross section of the reactor and the Knudsen number of the nanoparticles (their sizes in fact) on the distributions of the characteristics of the disperse-mixture fl ow in the reactor was determined
By way of mathematical and numerical simulation of an nonisothermic fl ow of a gas with nanoparticles in a tubular continuous-fl ow reactor with an nonuniform temperature fi eld, the infl uence of the diff usion (Brownian diff usion and thermodiff usion) of nanoparticles in this fl ow and their diff usion deposition on the walls of the reactor on the parameters of the gas-suspension fl ow in it was investigated. The problem on the two-dimensional fl ow of a nanogas suspension with a nonuniform transverse velocity profi le in such a reactor was solved. The longitudinal and transverse distributions of the concentration of nanoparticles in this suspension and its temperature in the reactor were obtained by the numerical fi nite diff erence method. The infl uence of the initial concentration of nanoparticles in the gas fl ow at the inlet cross section of the reactor and the Knudsen number of the nanoparticles (their sizes in fact) on the distributions of the characteristics of the disperse-mixture fl ow in the reactor was determined

Author:  T. R. Amanbaev
Keywords:  reactor, nanoparticles, Brownian diff usion, thermodiff usion, deposition, Knudsen number
Page:  1215

T. R. Amanbaev.  DIFFUSION AND DEPOSITION OF NANOPARTICLES IN AN NONISOTHERMAL CONTINUOUS-FLOW REACTOR //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №5. P. 1215.

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