Volume 96,   №5


Results have been presented of intraballistic design work aimed at identifying the main characteristics of a small caliber laboratory launcher and the composition of the propellant charge for various striker masses. Technical solutions have been obtained for sabots of supercavitating strikers accelerated in a small size laboratory ballistic installation. The level of the pressure acting on the striker, as it enters the water directly from the barrel of the installation, has been determined. Travel path ranges have been calculated for supercavitating strikers accelerated in a small size laboratory ballistic installation
Results have been presented of intraballistic design work aimed at identifying the main characteristics of a small caliber laboratory launcher and the composition of the propellant charge for various striker masses. Technical solutions have been obtained for sabots of supercavitating strikers accelerated in a small size laboratory ballistic installation. The level of the pressure acting on the striker, as it enters the water directly from the barrel of the installation, has been determined. Travel path ranges have been calculated for supercavitating strikers accelerated in a small size laboratory ballistic installation

Author:  A. N. Ishchenko, V. V. Burkin, A. S. D′yachkovskii, A. V. Chupashev, K. S. Rogaev
Keywords:  supercavitation, striker, motion, water, ballistic design, laboratory ballistic installation
Page:  1265

A. N. Ishchenko, V. V. Burkin, A. S. D′yachkovskii, A. V. Chupashev, K. S. Rogaev .  DEVELOPMENT OF A SUPERCAVITATING STRIKER FOR A SMALL-SIZE BALLISTIC INSTALLATION //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №5. P. 1265.

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