Volume 96,   №5


Consideration has been given to the physical processes occurring in a laser-plasma source for deposition of nanocoatings using ion fl ows. In this source, a net is placed between a certain laser target and a copper substrate. A negative potential is applied to the net towards the target, and after it, a fl ow of charged particles predominantly made up of ions is formed. By applying a positive potential to the net towards the substrate, it is possible to control the energy of the ions moving to the substrate. In the net–substrate interval, ion fl ows of various ionization multiplicity have been found. It has been shown that with the potential of the electric fi eld in the net–substrate interval of 100 V and over, the kinetic energy of ions is suffi cient for the occurrence of secondary emission of ions from the substrate surface. The results of experiments make it possible to determine two substrate surface treatment regimes. With signifi cant electric fi elds in the net–substrate interval, it is possible to clear the substrate surface using ion etching. At low electric fi eld values, it is possible to deposit the laser target material on the substrate surface
Consideration has been given to the physical processes occurring in a laser-plasma source for deposition of nanocoatings using ion fl ows. In this source, a net is placed between a certain laser target and a copper substrate. A negative potential is applied to the net towards the target, and after it, a fl ow of charged particles predominantly made up of ions is formed. By applying a positive potential to the net towards the substrate, it is possible to control the energy of the ions moving to the substrate. In the net–substrate interval, ion fl ows of various ionization multiplicity have been found. It has been shown that with the potential of the electric fi eld in the net–substrate interval of 100 V and over, the kinetic energy of ions is suffi cient for the occurrence of secondary emission of ions from the substrate surface. The results of experiments make it possible to determine two substrate surface treatment regimes. With signifi cant electric fi elds in the net–substrate interval, it is possible to clear the substrate surface using ion etching. At low electric fi eld values, it is possible to deposit the laser target material on the substrate surface

Author:  V. K. Goncharov, G. A. Gusakov, M. V. Puzyrev
Keywords:  laser plasma, ion fl ows, nanocoatings
Page:  1271

V. K. Goncharov, G. A. Gusakov, M. V. Puzyrev .  ROLE OF IONS OF VARIOUS MULTIPLICITY IN A LASER-PLASMA SOURCE FOR DEPOSITION OF NANOCOATINGS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 96, №5. P. 1271.

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