Volume 88,   №6


The present paper considers the state of the art of investigations on the use of nanomaterials in the technology of preparing proton exchange fuel cells. This technology has great prospects for use in transport facilities, as well as in stationary and portable electronic devices. The unique properties of nanostructures permit creating new effective catalysts, polymer membranes, and hydrogen storage systems — key elements of the above technology, which upgrades markedly the effi ciency of energy conversion in devices created on its basis and decreases their cost.
Author:  G. Ya. Gerasimov
Keywords:  fuel cells, proton exchange membranes, nanomaterials, carbon nanostructures, electrochemical reaction, catalysts, hydrogen storage systems
Page:  1554

G. Ya. Gerasimov .  NANOMATERIALS IN PROTON EXCHANGE FUEL CELLS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. №6. Volume 88, №6. P. 1554.

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