Volume 97,   №2


In the last few years, the eff orts to increase the heat transfer rates have been concentrated on passive techniques in accordance with the aim of reducing the consumption of power and the establishment of more sustainable systems. One of these promising techniques is adding extended geometries (ribs) which serve as thermal conducting geometries and fl ow turbulators. Another technique is to add nanoparticles to enhance the overall thermal properties of working fl uids. Researchers had investigated this approach from multiple diff erent scientifi c points of view. Among these factors is the channel geometry, whether it is with a regular section or a microchannel. Two major types of channels can be noted: common or traditional channels with a macroscopic cross section and microchannels with much smaller sections. The investigation of a fl ow in a regular channel section includes the cases of laminar fl ow, turbulent fl ow, constant heat fl ux, constant temperature, as well as diff erent working fl uids. The current review tends to summarize the most remarkable eff orts which had been done in the last few years according to the above-mentioned aspects.
In the last few years, the eff orts to increase the heat transfer rates have been concentrated on passive techniques in accordance with the aim of reducing the consumption of power and the establishment of more sustainable systems. One of these promising techniques is adding extended geometries (ribs) which serve as thermal conducting geometries and fl ow turbulators. Another technique is to add nanoparticles to enhance the overall thermal properties of working fl uids. Researchers had investigated this approach from multiple diff erent scientifi c points of view. Among these factors is the channel geometry, whether it is with a regular section or a microchannel. Two major types of channels can be noted: common or traditional channels with a macroscopic cross section and microchannels with much smaller sections. The investigation of a fl ow in a regular channel section includes the cases of laminar fl ow, turbulent fl ow, constant heat fl ux, constant temperature, as well as diff erent working fl uids. The current review tends to summarize the most remarkable eff orts which had been done in the last few years according to the above-mentioned aspects.

Author:  Haneen M. Al-Ali, Naseer H. Hamza
Keywords:  heat transfer, forced convection, enhancement, ribs, extended geometries
Page:  430

Haneen M. Al-Ali, Naseer H. Hamza .  AUGMENTATION OF HEAT TRANSFER BY USING INTERNAL RIB GEOMETRIES IN THE PRESENCE OF NANOFLUIDS: A REVIEW //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №2. P. 430.

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