Volume 97,   №3


Based on numerical simulation within the framework of a two-dimensional axisymmetric problem of continuum mechanics, an analysis has been made of penetration into a semi-infi nite barrier by dummy strikers with diameters of 14 and 18 mm and an initial velocity of 1200 m/s with and without account for the eff ects of the detachable sabot used for accelerating the dummies in the barrel of a ballistic installation. In simulating the penetration by dummy strikers in a sabot, a reduction was registered in the depth of penetration by a little over 10% with increase in the maximum overload compared to the case of penetration in the absence of a sabot. A cause has been identifi ed for the sabot′s negative eff ects on dummy strikers′ penetration, lying in an increase of tangential stresses acting on the surface of the dummies′ contact with the adjacent layer of loosened concrete due to precompression of this layer by the sabot until the sabot′s complete detachment from the dummy striker
Based on numerical simulation within the framework of a two-dimensional axisymmetric problem of continuum mechanics, an analysis has been made of penetration into a semi-infi nite barrier by dummy strikers with diameters of 14 and 18 mm and an initial velocity of 1200 m/s with and without account for the eff ects of the detachable sabot used for accelerating the dummies in the barrel of a ballistic installation. In simulating the penetration by dummy strikers in a sabot, a reduction was registered in the depth of penetration by a little over 10% with increase in the maximum overload compared to the case of penetration in the absence of a sabot. A cause has been identifi ed for the sabot′s negative eff ects on dummy strikers′ penetration, lying in an increase of tangential stresses acting on the surface of the dummies′ contact with the adjacent layer of loosened concrete due to precompression of this layer by the sabot until the sabot′s complete detachment from the dummy striker

Author:  S. V. Fedorov, V. A. Veldanov, A. L. Isaev, A. Yu. Perfi l′ev, N. A. Fedorov
Keywords:  concrete barrier, dummy striker, detachable sabot, high-velocity penetration, depth of penetration, overload, numerical simulation
Page:  705

S. V. Fedorov, V. A. Veldanov, A. L. Isaev, A. Yu. Perfi l′ev, N. A. Fedorov.  DYNAMICS OF PENETRATION INTO CONCRETE BY DUMMY STRIKERS IN THE ABSENCE OR PRESENCE OF A DETACHABLE SABOT //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 97, №3. P. 705.

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