Volume 91,   №3


A formulation of a modernized version of the three-parameter model of turbulence developed earlier by the present authors for calculating high-velocity fl ows is presented in the paper. The modernized model of turbulence allows one to calculate both free and near-wall fl ows. The distinctive features of the model are the application of a separate equation for velocity fl uctuations directed normally to streamlines, as well as of special functions of the gradient Mach number to account for compressibility. The model described was verifi ed on a number of test problems. The results obtained agree well with experimental data.
Author:  A. M. Molchanov, L. V. Bykov, and D. S. Yanyshev
Keywords:  turbulence, high-velocity fl ows, mathematical simulation, compressibility
Page:  673

A. M. Molchanov, L. V. Bykov, and D. S. Yanyshev.  THREE-PARAMETER MODEL OF TURBULENCE FOR HIGH-VELOCITY FLOWS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №3. P. 673.

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