Volume 91,   №2


A model of the dynamics of the particles-spheroids carried by a gas fl ow over a cross cylindrical body and rebounding from it has been developed. In this model, the gas fl ow around the particles is assumed to be viscous, and the reverse action of the particles on the gas and the collisions between them are not taken into account. The coeffi cients of recovery of the velocity components of the particles rebounded from the cylinder were determined on the basis of the heuristic theory in which the physical and mechanical properties of colliding bodies are considered. The infl uence of the ratio between the axes of particles-spheroids on the coeffi cient of wetting of the cylinder by them, the distributions of the mass-fl ow density of the particles and their velocity components over the cylinder surface, and the spatial distribution of the indicated quantities of the rotating particles rebounded from the cylinder was investigated numerically. The model proposed can be used for estimating the action of ice microcrystals and particles of volcanic ash emissions and dust storms on the structural elements of aircraft engines and small-size fl ying vehicles.
Author:  I. A. Amelyushkin and A. L. Stasenko
Keywords:  spheroid, eccentricity, recovery coeffi cient, mass-fl ow density, ice crystals
Page:  288

I. A. Amelyushkin and A. L. Stasenko.  INTERACTION OF A GAS FLOW CARRYING NONSPHERICAL MICROPARTICLES WITH A CROSS CYLINDER //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №2. P. 288.

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