Volume 91,   №2


We have revealed the shortcomings of equipment and technological approaches in growing nanoheteroepitaxial structures with quantum dots by liquid-phase epitaxy. We have developed and fabricated a new vertical barreltype cassette for growing quantum dots and epitaxial layers of various thicknesses in one technological process. A physico-mathematical simulation has been carried out of the processes of liquid-phase epitaxial growth of quantumdimensional structures with the use of the program product SolidWorks (FlowSimulation program). Analysis has revealed the presence of negative factors infl uencing the growth process of the above structures. The mathematical model has been optimized, and the equipment has been modernized without additional experiments and measurements. The fl ow dynamics of the process gas in the reactor at various fl ow rates has been investigated. A method for tuning the thermal equipment has been developed. The calculated and experimental temperature distributions in the process of growing structures with high reproducibility are in good agreement, which confi rms the validity of the modernization made.
Author:  I. I. Maronchuk, D. D. Sanikovich, P. V. Potapkov, and A. A. Vel′chenko
Keywords:  liquid-phase epitaxy, pulsed cooling, nanoheteroepitaxial structures, quantum dots, germanium, silicon, substrate, surface, solar cell
Page:  491

I. I. Maronchuk, D. D. Sanikovich, P. V. Potapkov, and A. A. Vel′chenko.  IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROCESSES OF LIQUID-PHASE EPITAXIAL GROWTH OF NANOHETEROEPITAXIAL STRUCTURES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 91, №2. P. 491.

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