Volume 93,   №4


Heat transfer of promising heat-removing surfaces with plate-slit fi nning intended for use in the case of air cooling of heat loaded radio- and microelectronic facilities in forced convection regime has been investigated experimentally. The infl uence of the depth of slitting fi ns and of the turning angle of their slit parts relative to the cooling fl ow direction on the intensity of heat transfer of the fi nned surface is shown. It has been established that the greatest intensifying effect is observed at the relative depth of the slitting of fi ns equal to 0.6, which leads to an increase in the intensity of heat release by 20–25%. The turning of the slit parts of the fi ns leads to heat transfer growth by 50–60% compared with traditional plate-fi nned surfaces. Improved dimensionless equations are suggested for calculating average heat transfer of surfaces with plate-slit fi nning under the conditions of forced convection in the range of the Reynolds number values from 2000 to 10,000. The results of investigation can be used in designing new systems of cooling radio- and microelectronic facilities.
Author:  A. V. Baranyuk, V. A. Rogachev, Yu. V. Zhukova, A. M. Terekh, and A. I. Rudenko
Keywords:  radiator, heat-removing surface, fi nning, convective heat transfer, experiment
Page:  962

A. V. Baranyuk, V. A. Rogachev, Yu. V. Zhukova, A. M. Terekh, and A. I. Rudenko.  EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF HEAT TRANSFER OF PLANE HEAT-REMOVING SURFACES WITH PLATE FINNING //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №4. P. 962 .

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