Volume 93,   №6


The authors have obtained experimental characteristics of the self-oscillating process of vibratory combustion of a solid fuel. As a result of the analysis of the obtained diagrams of amplitude and frequency characteristics of the self-oscillating process of vibratory combustion of a solid fuel depending on the position of the combustion zone in a Riecke tube, the fuel structure, and methods of charging, the authors have made the following assumption. Two types of processes coexist during the vibratory combustion of a solid fuel: for the fundamental harmonics of the oscillating process of low frequency, the energy approach known in the literature, and for harmonics of higher frequency, the vortex mechanism. Methods of experimental verifi cation of this assumption have been developed and used. Experimental results confi rm the proposed model of vibratory combustion of a solid fuel. A theoretical computational procedure for the development of vibratory combustion has been worked out. A theoretical study of the motion of a combustion wave at stochastic parameters of the process of heat release has been made.
Author:  O. G. Stonik, V. D. Geshele, and S. A. Kovalev
Keywords:  vibratory combustion, self-oscillation, acoustic radiation, ignition, combustion intensity, amplitude, frequency, solid fuel
Page:  1449

O. G. Stonik, V. D. Geshele, and S. A. Kovalev .  PHYSICAL MECHANISMS AND CONDITIONS OF EXCITATION OF VIBRATORY COMBUSTION OF SOLID FUELS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №6. P. 1449.

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