Volume 93,   №6


Nonstationary one-dimensional fl ow of a weakly-compressible fl uid in a pipeline is considered. The fl ow is described by a nonlinear system of two partial differential equations for the fl uid fl ow rate and pressure in the pipeline. An inverse problem on determination of the fl uid pressure and fl ow rate at the beginning of the pipeline needed for the passage of the assigned quantity of fl uid in the pipeline at a certain pressure at the pipeline end was posed and solved. To solve the above problem, a method of nonlocal perturbation of boundary conditions has been developed, according to which the initial problem is split at each discrete moment into two successively solvable problems: a boundary-value inverse problem for a differential-difference equation of second order for the fl uid fl ow rate and a direct differential-difference problem for pressure. A computational algorithm was suggested for solving a system of difference equations, and a formula was obtained for approximate determination of the fl uid fl ow rate at the beginning of the pipeline. Based on this algorithm, numerical experiments for model problems were carried out.
Author:  Kh. M. Gamzaev
Keywords:  pipeline transport, weakly-compressible fl uid, nonstationary fl ow, boundary-value inverse problem, differential-difference problem
Page:  1567

Kh. M. Gamzaev.  INVERSE PROBLEM OF PIPELINE TRANSPORT OF WEAKLY-COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 93, №6. P. 1567.

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