Volume 94,   №3


A numerical simulation of a nonstationary fl ow of a gas containing inert particle in a shock tube has been perfumed on the basis of the model of mutually penetrating continua, in which the gaseous and dispersed phases are defi ned by sets of mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations and the equation for the evolution of the dispersedphase volume fraction. The main equations are hyperbolic, and they are solved using the Godunov-type method of increased accuracy. The shock-wave structure of the gas fl ow in the working section of the shock tube and the space and time dependences of this fl ow were determined. The numerical-simulation results are compared with available experimental and calculation data

A numerical simulation of a nonstationary fl ow of a gas containing inert particle in a shock tube has been perfumed on the basis of the model of mutually penetrating continua, in which the gaseous and dispersed phases are defi ned by sets of mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations and the equation for the evolution of the dispersedphase volume fraction. The main equations are hyperbolic, and they are solved using the Godunov-type method of increased accuracy. The shock-wave structure of the gas fl ow in the working section of the shock tube and the space and time dependences of this fl ow were determined. The numerical-simulation results are compared with available experimental and calculation data
Author:  K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emel′yanov, A. V. Efremov
Keywords:  numerical simulation, shock wave, inert particles, dense layer, shock tube, supersonic two-phase fl ow.
Page:  638

K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emel′yanov, A. V. Efremov.  NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE INTERACTION OF A SHOCK WAVE WITH A DENSE LAYER OF PARTICLES //Journal of engineering physics and thermophysics. . Volume 94, №3. P. 638.

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